Finding the information you need

Before requesting official information, please check our website as you may find the information you need is already publicly available.

If you want to know something and can’t find it in our online information, you can contact us to ask for information we may not have published.

This is generally known as an OIA request, because the right to ask government agencies for their information is set out in the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).

How to ask for information from us

There are a number of ways you can ask us for information:

To ask for information about Fast-track consenting under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 or the Natural and Built Environment Act 2023, or see information we have released about those processes, go to the Environmental Protection Authority website.

Official Information Act requests and accessing our information – Environmental Protection Authority website

What happens once we receive your request

We will confirm that we have received your request and will send a response within 20 working days.

If you’re requesting a lot of information, or if we need to consult with other organisations, we may need more time to reply to you. If this is the case, we will always let you know when to expect our response.

OIA charging

Section 15(1A) of the OIA allows us to charge for providing information. OIA charges are consistent with the Government’s Charging Guidelines. 

More detail: Charging guidelines for OIA requests – Ministry of Justice website

The Ombudsman’s guidelines allow us to charge for labour (search and retrieval of information, collation, research, redacting, scanning or copying, reasonable peer review) and the cost of any materials.

More detail: Charging: A guide to charging for official information under the OIA and LGOIMA – Ombudsman New Zealand website

Information that we cannot or will not release

Every now and then, we refuse a request, and sometimes we withhold some information, but we always explain why. If your request is for something that is already available online, we will tell you where to find it.

There are other cases where we might withhold part of the information or decline your request if, for example:

If you want to know more about why we might refuse parts of a request, check out sections 6, 9 and 18 of the OIA.

Official Information Act 1982 – New Zealand Legislation website

Tips for making an OIA request

  1. Give us as much detail as you can about your request. You don’t have to explain why you want the information but sometimes giving us some context or a more detailed description helps us to find what you want faster and easier.

  2. If you are asking for a particular document, name it or give us a description with some details, such as the author, date or topic.

  3. If there are certain types of information you’re not interested in (such as draft documents or emails), let us know.

  4. If you are looking for information about a certain topic over a period of time, be specific about the timeframe.

  5. Please contact us to discuss your request if you are not sure how to word it. This will help the person responsible for answering your request to understand what you are asking for.

  6. If your request is urgent, explain why and tell us when you hope to receive our reply.

Contact us to discuss your request

Freephone: 0800 FASTRK


For media outlets only


Our responses to OIA requests

We will publish any responses here once available.