Local authorities have a role in the Fast-track process
Local authorities have responsibilities under the Fast-track Approvals Act 2024. They retain their existing functions under the Resource Management Act 1991 relating to:
resource consents
change or cancellation of resource consent conditions
certificates of compliance
designations (a planning technique used to authorise activities by a local authority on a particular site, without the need for land use consent).
Consultation before applying
Before applying, applicants must consult with relevant local authorities.
Applicants need to understand whether their project is eligible, the scope of the approvals they need and how much the process will cost. They need to complete pre-lodgement consultation with the relevant local authorities.
Referral application stage
Local authorities are involved in the referral application stage.
The Minister for Infrastructure decides whether the project should be referred to the substantive stage of the Fast-track process. This involves the following steps.
The Minister receives the complete application and must invite comments, and request advice or reports from relevant local authorities.
The Minister considers the application, advice or reports, and any comments received. The Minister may also seek further information from relevant local authorities.
Substantive application stage
Local authorities are involved in the substantive application process, including nominating members of expert panels, and commenting on applications and draft conditions.