Who can comment
The panel must invite written comment from some people or groups listed in the Act. The Fast-track Approvals Act 2024 does not allow panels to give public or limited notification for comments. Examples of people and organisations invited to comment include:
relevant local authorities
relevant iwi authorities
Treaty settlement entities relevant to a project
the landowners and occupiers of land where the project is located and the adjacent land (guidance: Identifying adjacent land – PDF, 581 KB), unless they cannot be identified
the Minister for the Environment and other relevant portfolio Ministers
relevant administering agencies including Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment, the Environmental Protection Authority, Heritage NZ Pouhere Taonga, Ministry of Primary Industries, Department of Conservation and local authorities
other relevant groups defined in the Act for specific situations.
How to comment
Invitations to comment on an application will be sent via email or post and include a templated form.
You have 20 working days from the date of the invitation to provide comments. The panel is not required to consider any comments after the deadline, and there is no right for you to seek a waiver of the time specified.
Submitting your comments
We must receive your comments by the deadline. Please allow sufficient time for delivery.
We receive written comments on behalf of the expert panel and send the comments on to the panel and the applicant.
Comments can be sent via:
email (using the email address specified in the invitation letter/email)
via the Fast-track Application Portal (after receiving an invitation email)
post (noting the application or notice of requirement name) to Fast-track, Private Bag 63002, Wellington 6140.
Comment at panel hearings
There is no requirement for a panel to hold a hearing, and no person has a right to be heard. However, if a panel decides to hold a hearing, the applicant, any person commissioned by the panel to write a report, and anyone who provided comment will be notified and advised they may appear and be heard.
Comment on draft conditions and final decisions
If you have provided comments in response to the invitation, you will be provided a copy of any draft conditions and invited to comment on these before the panel makes its final decision.
You will also be provided a copy of the final decision and, if you have provided comments in response to the invitation, you will have a right to appeal the final decision to the High Court on questions of law.