7 February 2025
"The conveners who appoint the expert panels to consider applications must be either a former (including retired) Environment Court or High Court Judge, or senior lawyers with expertise in resource management," says Infrastructure and RMA Reform Minister Chris Bishop.
"As well as appointing expert panels, the panel convener and associates will be able to request reports from relevant agencies and individuals and will set timeframes for panels to consider applications.
"Judge Borthwick has a wealth of experience in environmental and resource management litigation. She has worked with multiple industry stakeholders where there has been considerable public interest."
Regional Development Minister Shane Jones says the associate panel conveners also bring significant experience from the private and public sectors.
"Ms Atkins and Ms Caldwell have both had oversight and leadership on a mixed range of complex projects," Mr Jones says.
To assist the panel convener in their appointment of panel members, we are identifying a pool of potential candidates with relevant knowledge, skills, and expertise.
Information about the EOI process and the skills and experience needed can be found here:
Expressions of interest welcomed for potential expert panel members